Thursday, December 31, 2009

I decided to do a post after reading the both GQC blogs!!
2009 was really a short year I felt..
But many many things happened and warmed my heart..
The sisterlove is one I definitely got to mention!
The kind of time and fun and laughter and secrets we share..
I cherish them ALL!!

I started out the year in Hawaii watching fireworks .. My very first trip to visit dearie..
And a stopover in Taipei
I started working for my dad..
I tried Jaan for the 1st time on Mum's birthday
I left again for hawaii for dearie's graduation..
Me, dearie and mum went on a holiday in the eastern part of US and Orlando!!
Did I mention I'm a Disney fan??
I'm so gg back there.. I love the place..
Panana became part of GQC and
Dearie came back for good!!
I started my wedding planning course..
Met Karen for the 1st time and had lots of fun during her stay back here..
I had a surprise birthday dinner and presents!!
Then I love Christmas!! We exchanged prezzies..
And I dance for Christmas and training was kinda irritating with the instructor
who was my senior back in secondary school.. Who love torturing us during St john's..
Then countdown to a new year at dearie's wuyi place..
And ending the day with L and P at Jalan Kayu..

your princess.Y11:05 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009

After all the procrastination.. I finally sank to a point that I lost confidence in myself
and i'm starting to depress..
thinking back abt the weigh I was one year back is making me feel FAT!!
so much so as to I feel like I will break a chair when I sit on it..

I have to do something abt it and do it asap..
I told dearie how I felt and he says diet and exercise is the only plan..
hence he decided tt both of us are going on a diet plan..

This morning I had my brekkie of less sweet soya bean milk with 2 biscuits..
Then for lunch is a regular velvety mushroom soup with an apple for snack..
Dinner tonight will be a portion of beef kway teow and followed by grandpa's tang yuan..
It's winter solace today and in Chinese culture, a family sits together and
eats a bowl of tang yuan to signify 团圆!

your princess.Y9:46 PM

You won't know what happens if you dont even try..

It is important to get hold of every chance to
gain your own happiness..
Once missed could be forever gone..
Love is everywhere in the air!

Little Princess Marilyn
19 September

*truckload of happiness
*chest of gold
*more travel
car (as long as it has 4 wheels & can move)


take off
a walk to the palace of photos
memories of the Princess and her Prince
Simply Princess!

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

love hour