Monday, August 17, 2009

i haven been in the best of mood recently..
short temper.. plus get upset super easily..
and we have been quarrelling..
and i have been crying..
though things gets resolve but there's this fear in me..
is our relationship strained or strengthen?

we started the morning with a quarrel..
which i got upset and he got frustrated..
am i really in the wrong?
i have been thinking abt it the whole day..
am i too demanding??
i was super upset with him going to jb with his friends and telling me his home and only explain to me in the morning that he said it to not make me worry..
but then tell me how can i not be..
i cant even worry abt ur safety?
am i really asking for too much of ur time to be spend with me?
trying to spend every bit of my free time with u to replace those time that were lost when u were away is that wrong?
maybe i have to change my whole lifestyle to suit his?
i feel that i always lose to sleep.. be it him or even the one before..
sleep seems to always come before me..
of coz it's natural that the body needs rest but why do ur body seems to need more then usual..
but it's u who's no giving it rest at the proper time for it to recuperate..
calling him at 330pm...
judging from his voice he needs more sleep.. and true enuff..
he din wake up till 5pm..
and class is at 7pm..
things have been changing so much since he is back..
have i not been able to adjust to them hence the upsetness and the quarrels??
just past 36 days and i think we have quarreled more than 5 times..
is that healthy?

your princess.Y2:09 AM

You won't know what happens if you dont even try..

It is important to get hold of every chance to
gain your own happiness..
Once missed could be forever gone..
Love is everywhere in the air!

Little Princess Marilyn
19 September

*truckload of happiness
*chest of gold
*more travel
car (as long as it has 4 wheels & can move)


take off
a walk to the palace of photos
memories of the Princess and her Prince
Simply Princess!

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

love hour