Thursday, May 21, 2009

spending another almost 2 weeks in hawaii..
i love the place!! the company and the weather..
i think i got darker again..
been to places i went it all seems so familiar..
ate the food i miss so much...
love it!!!

dear fell sick just one week before i'm leaving..
got to take care of him...
haiz... of all times...
his parents ard the house gave me some stress..
times when i dont feel so comfortable..
and uneasy..
this morning went to the market with his mum..
erm... everything she wants to pay...
i feel so bad....
maybe this is why many pple cant really get along with their mother-in-laws..
not that she is bad or any thing..
it just not being comfortable..
hopefully things changes as time passes..
and before i become one of them...

i have another week here to enjoy some fun before heading home..

your princess.Y3:47 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

in the mist of all the hype of SWINE FLU..
i received a call from grandpa late one night..
he said he is having aterrible stomache and wants to go to the hospital...
we rush him to ttsh and we had to wait for so long before someone attended to him..
worse thing is only 1 person can go in..
so only mum went in with him.. and after like 3 hrs..
they said he have to be admitted..
and so we were waiting for admission to be done..
and rain started pouring..
then mum said.. o ya.. u also sick hor..
better so back and rest first..
then i went home first and they took another freaking 2 hrs to get the admission done..
i cant believe this kind of service attitude...
what happens in emergency cases i wonder..

the next day.. when visiting grandpa..
only one person can go up to the ward at one time and everyone have to register..
and they keep strictly to the visiting hrs..
then in the evening.. grandpa called to say that he can be discharged..
when we went down to the hospital..
they say.. we din say that he can be discharge and they have to check with the doctor..
after 30 mins.. they say.. we cant get hold of the doctor..
then mum made noise and say but the doctor said grandpa can go, cant u check ur records..
then they said.. wait arh.. after checking they were like.. ya.. the doctor wrote that he can go liao..
but i still have to get the doctor to do the paperwork...
another 15 mins passed the nurse finally got the doctor and mum spoke to him..
and he said another 1 hr to get grandpa discharge..
i was like... this place is hopeless..
it takes 1 hr to do some paperwork to get someone discharge when there always a lack of beds..
anyway.. when we finally got grandpa out was 8pm... and we were there at 530pm!!!

by god's grace, the swine flu is like getting under control and new york trip seems to be in light again..

it's finally friday.. and dear dear has one last paper to go..
mentioning it he is still out having bubbies the night before the paper..
he better be prepared for it...
when the paper is done... it's another 2 days and we'll be there!!
tomorrow the TMDs are finally meeting since september... then so so so long ago...
after lunch will be yoga then going suntec to see prezzie for mummy..
then finally browhaus appt... dolling myself for the trip!!
when sunday comes.. it will be church then mother's day lunch and finally packing for the trip!!
leaving early monday morning!!

your princess.Y12:32 AM

Friday, May 1, 2009

it's 8 days to Honolulu...
and SWINE FLU has been spreading crazily the past few days...
many are so paranoid over it..
and pple have cancelled their trips due to it...
some still went ahead with their trips...

as for me i would say..
these are 2 trips i dont want to cancel..
dear dear has his tickets for NY already..
and i dont think it will be refunded in any case of cancellation..
and i just receive a call that my land trips are all confirm but on hold...
my heart is itching of the trip....
i wanna go NY!!

your princess.Y8:42 PM

You won't know what happens if you dont even try..

It is important to get hold of every chance to
gain your own happiness..
Once missed could be forever gone..
Love is everywhere in the air!

Little Princess Marilyn
19 September

*truckload of happiness
*chest of gold
*more travel
car (as long as it has 4 wheels & can move)


take off
a walk to the palace of photos
memories of the Princess and her Prince
Simply Princess!

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

love hour