Sunday, August 31, 2008

first thing first.. i need to apologise to readers of my blog..
i haven been posting for a while due to my busy schedule at work and have been trying to spend time with my dearie..
and i've added him in my blogging list.. so he might be dropping by to blog once in a blue moon..
so sorry u all have to bear with all the mushy stuff..

next.. thanks dear for dropping your post... u really know how to drive me to tears..
i really hope 4 months will pass like a breeze..
in th mean time while we are miles apart, i'll be slogging myself at work i guess and hoping for time to pass..
i can wait to hear ur voice once again..

i am proud of myself not shedding a tear in front of dear's family and friends..
but saddly and honestly i have been specially when i'm alone..
and i guess his mum watch me tearing through the rear mirror of her car..
i spent the afternoon aft he left with my mum and the evening with family..

today is the first day i spent without him aft we are together..
i went bear shopping and repairing my new phone..
then dinner with family.. so glad that we could still talk when u are in japan..
miss u so so so very much alrdy..
have been carrying xiao yang every where at home nd yang yang have been with me in my bag all the time..

i'll post up some photo soon and at the same time blog abt my bangkok trip..
hitting the bed for now with xiao yang.. nitez

your princess.Y6:48 AM

Friday, August 29, 2008

I decided to give my dear a surprise by posting on the blog for the very first time :) SURPRISE! I think if my planning works, you will only be reading this when I have already left :P

I just wanted to let you know that I will cherish every moment spent with you during our very short two months together. I will miss you dearly during this time that we are apart.. Thinking now about how sad we both will be during our seperation almost makes me regret our decision to embark on our journey together, but when I look back at our happy memories I am glad that we did. I hope you too will look back and remember our happy memories and times spent together whenever you are feeling down or lonely. It will be tough I know, but I believe that before we know it, four months would have come and gone, and we would be closer together again.

I will miss looking in your eyes, holding you in my arms, I will miss kissing you, and the times we spent talking and sharing more about each other. Tears will be unavoidable, but do remember that I am only a phonecall away. I want to be the one who brings a smile to your face whenever you need cheering up :)

I will miss you dear.. I love you...

Your Big Bear

your princess.Y2:45 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a week past so quickly..
and doing a count, it's down to the last 18 days..
and i think i'm really falling sick..
for the longest time it has been pulling the warning sign that i'm falling sick and it don't happen..
but this time.. the flu is getting bad that my nose is dropping..

last wednesday dear went to pluck his wisdom tooth..
so poor thing.. then he went on a porridge diet for days..
it must have hurt so much.. his left face starting swelling on the 2nd day..
all the way to yesterday..
and bacause of the diet and the swelling, we kinda kept ourselves at home..
just a matter of shuffling between both homes..

national day came and our initial plans of watching fireworks was dampen by our laziness..
hahaha.. simply went for dinner at his grandma's and that's it..
sunday came and we went to 'Lighthouse' for service..
not too bad.. a little bored and then was dim sum at Xinfu Restaurant..
family dinner at my house before going to the airport to send his friend off..
seeing his friend leave reminds me that the day is coming closer and closer..

*dear.. i have already started missing u so much

your princess.Y6:36 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008

Spending our first anni together yesterday,
I simply enjoyed spending every minute of my time with him..
we had ultimately spent 24 hrs together yesterday..
right from the moment the clock hits 12am till 12am comes again..

hahaha.. i think i'm going mad.. happily mad..
we started off the days early with intentions to go for service
BUT ended with a conclusion that the bed is still more luring for the beauty sleep..
then i brought him for lunch at Metrpole Herbal Restaurant..
my favourite restaurant..
* You are so sweet to have suggested lunch there..
Though it is a little pricey, the food is definitely worth..
* I really hope u like it dear..

o.. how can i forget abt the joke of my dress in the morning with his mum..
his mum thought i was only wearing undies under my semi-translucent dress..
hahaha.. i just so totally wearing a shorts that's very short..

come to think of it we didn't take a single photo yesterday..
and we totally should have.. moreover you had your camera!!
ARGHZ!! hahahah.. i wanna take more photos..

then after lunch we went walking around..
he wanted to buy a ring for me..
it was really the thought the counts..
i dont need a T&Co or a solitare or even an expensive ring..
back to basics is good..
and we found our pair in a reasonable shop..
unique colour and simple.. suits u just fine..
but i didn't only get 1 ring in the end, i got 2..
when he know that i had eyes on another ring, he offered to pay and PAID..
* Thanks dear, u really dont have to u know..

Then we went over to his granny's place to visit her as she hasn't seen her for a couple of weeks..
we ended the day meeting his Singaporean friend he know in Hawaii..
She's funny and LOUD!! so Loud!! hahahaha..
had a good laugh.. but i'm also awfully jealous of her..
as she will definitely get to see him so so SO SO SO much more (almost everyday) compared to me..
*Now I have to say I really hope to be able to run with him.. Run away to Hawaii with him..

your princess.Y12:11 AM

Saturday, August 2, 2008

another week past..
now it seems so habitual for me to be blogging once a week..

it's down to less than a month before he goes off..
the emotional side of me seems to be slowly sounding the red alert..
the unstable side of me seems to be hitting it off..
while the logical side of me tries to keep myself cool and tell myself that this separate is not going to be a long one, i hope i can continue to keep it this way..
i'm all prepared that when the day comes i would be wasting tons and tons of tissue once again..
it's going to be a total different life once again..
i'm going to lead a life with him in it but not physically here for me..
Marilyn, till the time when u 2 see each other everyday, u have to learn to be independent again..
jia you!! ni ke yi de!!

on a happier note, tonight at 2+am in the morning is our 1st month anni..
time spent together with him is really so short and never enough..
i wonder what is the day like tmr..
as we going to start it off early to go New Creations, then lunch at my favorite restaurant..
then walking ard.. i totally have no idea what is on after that..

a little recap on the week..
as work continues to be busy and i would say busier..
i fell sick..
had terrible headache till i feel like vomitting on thurs..
went to the doc and it's foc.. gave me like 6 kinds of medicine..
and ask if i want the rest of the day off.. how i wish..
But there was like lots of work piled up in the office..
haiz.. then came fri.. got scolded for nothing at least to my concern, i was not at fault!!!
then aft work we went on a movie marathon and we watched prom night and mummy 3..
prom night was ok.. mummy 3 was not bad..
then we met his friends alvin and his gf, sarah and jiayu and his friend, meixin..
and we hang out till like 5am!!
then today we slack the whole day at home before going for PONGGOL NASI LEMAK...
satisfying my cravings!! hahaha..
finally was wine tasting at my uncle's place..
a total of 9 wines.. so full now.. hahaha..
needa go wash up.. till the next week..


your princess.Y9:24 AM

You won't know what happens if you dont even try..

It is important to get hold of every chance to
gain your own happiness..
Once missed could be forever gone..
Love is everywhere in the air!

Little Princess Marilyn
19 September

*truckload of happiness
*chest of gold
*more travel
car (as long as it has 4 wheels & can move)


take off
a walk to the palace of photos
memories of the Princess and her Prince
Simply Princess!

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

love hour