Sunday, July 27, 2008

i haven been blogging for so long...
i would say that life had been great on its own with him in it..
while work is getting busy.. far too busy..
i wish that time will slow down and even stop it where it is..

time passes so fast that we have only another 4 weeks and 2 days together..
i'm really praying for a little more time..

jus to fill in the blanks a little,
on fri, i was told that new things will be added to my portfolio at work and i had to go thru training on friday evening..
and fri he was on OIL and he offered to cook dinner and wait for me at home..
he came down for lunch with me at the jap rest at far eat with shannon and stef..
and aft a SUPER long wait, i had to gobble down my food and run back to work..
while he made his way to the super market to get stuff for dinner..
*dear.. u are really so sweet..
training only ended at 7pm and i rush all the way down to his place and his mum was already home.. feel so bad to make pple wait but lucky he was not done..
mum had to make the day busier by asking me to go home help her move things as she was returning from taiwan that night..
but by the time we were leaving his house, she was already home!!

we made cupcakes together for the dept picnic on sat (19th)
but as we went to k on fri night till 3 am, we woke up at like only 12pm!!
and reaching sentosa at 2pm when many many are leaving already..
but seriously, i don really care coz what is impt is that he is ard..
had dinner and dessert at clarke quay with lala princess and her bf..
after which we went to watch 'chi bi' at past midnight and missed church the next day..
hahahaha.. was far too tired..
missing the service, we went to watch ' dark knight' before dinner at Swissotel..
the show was so draggy that pple started leaving.. hahahaha.. i first time see though..
aft dinner i decided to bring him to long bar for the authenic 'singapore sling'
it's still the best i've drank..

monday came so fast and the week gone by so fast..
things got really really busy for me..
and i haven been able to leave on time..
but he is really nice to always be waiting for me..
be it in office or outside..
*dear.. thank you for being so patient with me..

we spent the whole sat afternoon at my house trying to clean and pack the house
and till sunday night, everything else except my room is not packed!!
hahahaha.. feeling really lazy to pack my room..
we went for eason concert that night..
for the not-so eason fan like me, i must say it's not bad..
there are some of his songs that are really nice..
then we had supper with his friends and DEBORAH TAN and LIM HUI!!
the world is just so small..
his good firend, Jiayu is deborah's ex..
hahahahaha.. and they know each other too..
i have been surpising many many pple ard me recently..

sunday was another home-bounded day for me..
being able to see him first thing in the morning started the day well..
but i would say that it is one day less to be able to spend with him..
went back to GTC today aft donkey years and found nothing really changed..
some old friends seems happy to see me but some seems real stranger to me..
many many things changed..
coming back straight aft church, i was dozing off on the sofa and finally napped for like at least 5hrs before going for dinner and back to continue slacking..
it's quite nice to do this once in a while though..

*dear.. it's would really be nice if we could cuddle to sleep every night..
the thought of waking up to see u first thing in the morning brightens up my day..
thank you for always staying ard till so late to keep me company..

your princess.Y11:21 AM

Monday, July 14, 2008

we started off the weekend with ESS dinner at the Ritz Carlton..
dinner was ok but i'm far too tired that i almost doze off when MM was talking..
then back to my place, we as usual stayed up till very very late..

sleeping in on saturday morning,
there goes my waking up at 2 to 3pm..
in order to spend more time with him i have to drag myself up..
then lunch at swensen..
before heading home to slack till he had to go for dinner..
we have been spending so much time together that..
i feel so uneasy without him around..
dear.. i feel so attached to u..
had my dinner at the old imperial restaurant..
SHIOK!! still my favourite restaurant of all times..
i wanna bring him there.. just that the price is a little too steep..
then went to sherina's place, caught up with her a bit before leaving..

sunday morning started early too..
he bought breakfast and came over at 9+am..
then aft he is done with his work then we went to church..
i am really really very very tired..
i was almost dozing off again!!
haiz.. i think i seriously need to learn to sleep early..
haiz.. have been repeating myself umpteen times and not doing it..
lunch at MOF with kelly, xinkai, weishu and some random others..
then we went shopping for grace's present..
and now my eyes is so lock on a oversize clutch from aldo at $75..
and my silly dearie is trying to source my finger size..

last night, after work we rushed home got changed and drove to Night Safari..
it was his family outing with his parents, brother, granny, cousins and nieces..
it's really nice to have outings like that with families..
i had my fair share of fun just spending time with him..
hahahaah.. we caught a sight of a bear that resembles him!!
hahahahaha.. that was a joke.. it just makes me laugh..
i ate like twice ben and jerry's!! so fattening..

this morning.. we got called in to boss's room..
and she said..
'u are to be more conscious on pple ard
and not affect others with your affection for each other..'
i was like 'huh!' wat did we do??
seriously i don think we did anything imappropriate in hotel premises!!
it really affected my mood..
i really think i can be so easily affected.. but lucky, i can still function when i'm affected..
just black face.. hahaha..

i have been eating lots and lots of ice-cream recently..
i think since the day i told him eating ice-cream makes me happy..
i seems to be eating non-stop.. once a day kinda dosage..
i hope i dont put on weight though..

your princess.Y9:23 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the 10th has always been a significant date..
for 3 months it has never been..
and i'm getting so use to it..

something is so wrong this week..
has been feeling tired since monday..
and the week is almost coming to an end..
it's like tired all the way..
i'm SO going to use this weekend to rest and spend time with him..

i dont know to cry or to laugh..
since i'm 16, pple say i look as old as 26!!
but as i get older, i kinda start to look like my own age..
and now.. his relatives say i look older than him..
i seriously feel like killing myself..
do i look so old..
i actually DON'T THINK SO.. hahahaha..
the most we look the same age..

now he got me all curious abt how grandpa feels abt him..
i have yet to ask grandpa.. hahaha..
so tired that i dozed off on his chair at his place last night..
whatever it is.. i just wanna say that..
i love you dear..

your princess.Y7:28 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008

totally dont feel happy today..
i seems like i woke up the wrong side of bed or something..

things started fine actually..
but when i started work, i feel so damn sleepy..
it's like can die lah.. totally ought to be slap..
then almost miss my meeting time..
then again damn sleepy in the meeting..
then had to rush for circulation..
almost sprain my ankle.. sickening day..
then went for lunch.. already feeling damn whiny..
to make things worse..
mum just simply has to add on it..

apparently, uncle called to talk to my mum abt him..
and asked y are we so close when i only know him for such a short time..
then i think the only thing i can smile abt is that uncle said that he looks like a decent guy..
what upsets me the most is that joanna commented on him..
and how and who is she to say that he is not being himself..
it is like seriously what the hell made her say that..
how much does she knows him..
i rather go with my feelings and just believe how i feel and what i see..
no one else can be a better judge compare to the one experiencing it..
though love is blind but it's the process that's sweet..
and who doesn't want a happy ending like all fairytale..

it's actually such a small thing.. but i think i really already not in a good mood..
it really made my day bad..
smiles gone.. and full of thoughts..
i dont understand y pple cant stand in our position to look at our relationship??
y cant we just try and make things work??
who knows.. things may really work..
i'm trying so hard to think positive..
i need pple now to stand with me and not pour cold water..

u have definitely caught me in your arms..

your princess.Y11:55 PM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

pple usually has monday blues..
but for me.. i'm on a sleepy monday..

it's so difficult to keep my eyes open..
i seriously need some toothpick or tapes manz..
haiz.. aft some nonsense from the stupid guest, my sleepy spell died..
hahahaha.. need to get back to work..

your princess.Y10:33 PM

i feel so bad..
i think i've stress him and tired him out too much..
aft work on fri, we went to celebrate sherlyn's birthday at no.5..
we walked in hand in hand and it was like answers to their questions..
hahaha.. didn't stay for long though..
he stayed at my place till 4am on friday to keep me company..
and he had to work at 10am the next day..
dear.. i really must say U ARE REALLY SWEET!! thanks dear..

waking up only 3pm..
i went to return books and collect mum's stuff before going down to Marriott to meet him..
when we were leaving, they were as always teasing us and on the way back he was telling me that even the wedding side know that we are together already..
and the debby seems a little hysterical abt it when julie msged her..
haiz.. my bf seems like a popular guy..
hahahaha.. then he mention not sure if julie is angry that we are an item..
but seriously.. if she is then it is ridiculous..
how can they start judging and interfere with our personal lives...
then aft he got change, we cooked dinner at my place on saturday night..
simple yet nice.. haven stepped in the kitchen for so long and to my surprise the food is still edible..
but the best person to comment abt the food would be him..
hahaha.. he then stayed over as sunday morning is very early..

started the morning off with moving the furniture..
then rush for lunch where he met most of my extended family..
i seriously blush.. 1st time in my life..
then we went to watch macbeth play at nafa..
i must honestly say it's boring..
but i enjoyed the company.. that's enuff..
he then brought me to his grandma's place for dinner..
there, it's my turn to meet the extended family..
hahaha.. a bit pai sey initially.. but after a while then not so bad..
played mahjong till abt 10+.. then his mum sent me home..
dear.. i must say i really appreciate it.. everything u have done for me so far..
u really touch me heart..

there goes another weekend.. i hope time stay still..
but it was one bonding weekend i must say..

Falling more and more in love with u everyday..
I hope u feel the same..
we really starting to feel like lao fu lao qi..
i not very good very words and i know that no words can describe this feelings of mine...
u are like a gift sent to me from god..
thank you dear! u are really so dear to me..

your princess.Y10:34 AM

Saturday, July 5, 2008

time for a closure of all my past..
it is time i move on from my past into a new me..
not changing myself physical but mentally and emotionally..
gone are the hurt and pain..
leaving them all behind, i feel so much less burden..
and happiness found its way to me..

life is really so unpredictable..
at a point of time that i least expect to get myself in a relationship,
i am now.. living in happiness..
everything seems to be moving so fast that i too never expect it to be..
have been on the job for slightly more than a month,
and i think i'm enjoying my job so far..

it was so dramatic that we seems like we were going on screen..
knowing him as a trainee at work, i just thought he's quite cute..
but to me, he is just maybe an eye candy..
my colleagues on the other hand has been teasing about us and rumouring that we are going out..
it was nothing of that sort though..
then came the day that we went out for a movie casually and we was like shen shen mi mi..
hahaha.. kinda to avoid more talks.. but people still continued..
as tongue wags, we went for our second movie and his eyes kinda caught mine..

hahahaha.. then things started to be a little different..
little things here and there..
then i went on unpaid leave for the course,
things kinda was brought to a higher level..
we were msging kinda non-stop..
i bursted my limited for sure.. hahaha.
then there was dinner at his place.. he cooked!!
then drinking session that kinda really made things obvious..
hahahaha.. all thanks to vic and elson..
but he was so sweet lah..
he was leaving on a flight at 8+ to penang and he stayed with me till 5am!!

then when he was there he called back to check on me rather regularly..
and i thought it was really really sweet..
when he came back,
we had dinner after work on tues and he sent me home.. was kinda surprise though..
but it made us even closer..
then came wed..
he said he will entertain me until i tired then he leave..
we talked things out at my place that night..
no having an answer then he left at 1+am..
i really couldn't sleep..
then i msg him to ask if he would rather we not talked..
then he said he already had intentions to do the previous night..
then he used my words on me.. 'If we dont try we wont know'
so lets try US.. that was 3rd July 2008..

2 days had passed and i'm really comfortable with him..
its was as though i'm with him for years..
you wont believe it..
finally, happiness is found in me again!!

your princess.Y3:05 AM

You won't know what happens if you dont even try..

It is important to get hold of every chance to
gain your own happiness..
Once missed could be forever gone..
Love is everywhere in the air!

Little Princess Marilyn
19 September

*truckload of happiness
*chest of gold
*more travel
car (as long as it has 4 wheels & can move)


take off
a walk to the palace of photos
memories of the Princess and her Prince
Simply Princess!

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

love hour